Potholes vs Wheel Alignment

Local authorities are carrying out repairs to the thousands of potholes created as a result of the severe winter the UK suffered up to the end of 2012 and the start of 2013.

Potholes are formed as a result of rainwater and snow, which is able to seep in through cracks in the road and accumulates under the asphalt. During the winter months this water freezes, expands and displaces gravel and dirt, leaving a hole once the water has melted. As traffic continues to drive over these holes, more gravel is able to escape, enlarging the hole and in some cases eventually collapsing in on itself.

These potholes have caused the motorist many problems, one in particular is the major effect on a vehicles wheel alignment. Wheel misalignment can cause a number of problems such as a reduction in vehicle safety, higher fuel costs and an increase in tyre wear. Following an encounter with a pothole, drivers should ensure that they have the vehicles wheel alignment checked.

Wheel alignment is carried out by adjusting the angle of each wheel on a vehicle so that it is set as per the vehicle manufacturers’ specifications. The importance of wheel alignment is to ensure that the vehicle travels straight as oppose to “pulling” to one or other side of the road.

Should you be unlucky enough to have hit a pothole Just Tyres will be pleased to carry out an alignment check Free of Charge.

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